This Project was initiated by the Sports and Recreation Commission in 1999 as a pilot project in Harare. The purpose of the programme is to impart life skills to the youthful athletes using sport as a platform. The programme targets young people who are between the ages of 10 and 18; about half of the current Mighty Warriors Team came through this programme. YES programme is anchored on three components which are:

  • Sport,
  • Peer Education and
  • Community projects.

The three components have an equal in weighting in the competitions for the ultimate result of the winning teams with points awarded on an equal basis.


The programme is implemented across the country’s ten provinces and in implementing the project the Sports and Recreation Commission has enlisted the services of Technical and Funding partners who include:

  • National AIDS Council,
  • Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council,
  • Child Line Zimbabwe, Forestry Commission,
  • Zimbabwe Red Cross Society and
  • Plan Zimbabwe.

 A National Committee comprising of selected volunteers is appointed to ensure the smooth implementation of the programme.


  • To encourage youths to participate in sporting activities of their choice
  • To encourage youths to interact among themselves using the medium of sport
  • To encourage youths to take responsibility for the communities that they come from by engaging in community service that enhances the quality of their livelihoods.


Republic of Zimbabwe: – Implemented in 10 Provinces and 72 districts.


  • YES Programme’s Peer education component has focused on various health and social topical issues such as HIV/AIDS & other Health related issues.
  • Sport participation as a component of the YES Programme has improved the demeanor of athletes thus demonstrating that sport is a tool that can be used to mold and modify different behaviors.
  • Community projects have enhanced the young people’ sense of responsibility at both personal and community levels. This is manifested by the number of community social responsibility programmes that the clubs are currently undertaking.
  • Education with Entertainment (Edutainment) has now been adopted as part of the YES Festival.
  • Lead up process to the National YES festival attracts more young athletes and officials than any other sport activity on the country’s Sports calendar.


To date the Youth Education through Sport Programme, through the YES Festival has reached out to over 100 000 athletes and officials.